Hearing From God Course

Hearing From God

Did God Really Say? A Practical and Encouraging Guide to Hearing from God The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters! Romans 8:19 The Passion Translation (TPT) The entire UNIVERSE is standing on tip toe waiting for you to manifest the greatness that God has put in YOU. Pause and think about this. There is something that happens to your spirit when you know that you know that you have heard from God. It galvanizes you to take action, to walk on water with Him (Matthew 14:22-33), to leap over walls and to capture cities for His sake. Yet a significant number of us don’t live in this reality for the simple reason that we are not sure that God speaks to us. We know He speaks to pastors and ministers of the gospel but we are not sure that He can or will speak to us ‘ordinary’ members of the body of Christ. In addition, if indeed He does speak to us, how can we be sure that it is God that is speaking and not our imagination, or the devil? How can we clearly HEAR and KNOW that God is speaking? My own sheep will hear my voice and I know each one, and they will follow me. John 10:27 The Passion Translation (TPT) God longs to have a relationship with you. You were created for relationship with Him; He sacrificed His only Son so that the relationship with Him can be restored. How then do we move from reading about it in scripture to actually living it? How do we train ourselves to hear from God, how do we learn His voice? How do we launch out into the deep knowing that He has said to us, COME? How can we walk fully in purpose without confusion or frustration? How can we truly enjoy the relationship with God that you were created to enjoy? This course seeks to provide a practical and encouraging guide to hearing from God. It will point you towards the Father Heart of God. Over the four week duration of the course we will learn how to: •Practice hearing from God •Deal with doubt on the journey •Birth as well as protect the promises of God to us. It is my desire that as you embark on this course and do the practical assignments involved; you will find that a deeper relationship with God opens up to you. I pray that you will have the patience and diligence to sit with God; the openness of heart to hear from Him and the courage to trust and obey His every word. A relationship with God will ignite you and you in turn will ignite the world around you. Great things are birthed from having a deep and intimate relationship with God. I look forward to your manifestation. God wants us to be everything that He has called us to be. Are you ready? Frequency: Every Tuesday for 4 weeks Session Duration: 2 hours Course Fees: £100/$130/N50,000

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